
New Year's Day Recap

We had friends over on New Year's Day and enjoyed good food, football, and fellowship.  Ron grilled wings out in the cold for everybody...poor guy.  But they were delicious, so thanks Ronzo for your hard work.
Ashley was able to get Benjamin to go to sleep...
Clayton had lots of fun walking around our chairs...
Sam and Virginia successfully kissed...
...and there were some "not-so-successful" ones.  They had just bumped heads trying to kiss (notice Sam rubbing his forehead).  Virginia is already puckering up for another try.
Overall, I think the kids had fun.

The adults did too.  Because we asked the question, we found out what happens when you flush the toilet.  I know, it sounds weird.  Our friend Ashley is a civil engineer and basically her job is to get rid of our waste.  I seriously can't believe I'm writing this, but it has to be included.  The beginning of 2008 will be remembered for the night we learned what happens to our poop.  :)


Ashley Turnbull said...

Yea buddy I take care of your poop. Just remember that next time I need a favor from you! We had a great time and Ron is an excellent cook!

Anonymous said...

Hey there Penny! These pictures are so precious! Could even be a form of blackmail in Virginia and Sam's future together:):):) And that Civil Engineer info was something I need to file away for future reference as to their actual job description. :) Love to all, B

Anonymous said...

Engineers... can't live with them, can't live without them...

Maybe Sam will be a better runner than an engineer. He apparently had a little trouble engineering that kiss ;)

Anonymous said...

Here is a question from the Blog illiterate (from an engineer). How do you get back to the main blog from the photo galleries?