
Ice Cream Anyone?

Ron, Travis, Larry, and Justin have started working out at Matrix on Sunday afternoons together.  Supposedly The Matrix Gym is a little bit like D-1, but Bull might disagree since he's an elite Division-1 athlete and Ron isn't.  Their personal trainer Russell challenges them like crazy, from what Ron says.  Russell put these pictures on his website Sunday so I decided to share them with y'all.  Look at Ron's intensity.  And poor Travis...Ron said this picture was taken after their one-hour session.
All this talk of working out makes me want to prop my feet up and eat some ice-cream.


Ashley Turnbull said...

Oh, dear! Ron, Travis and Adam are going to be in a fight! Ha! Matrix versus D-1! We need a face-off!

Bull said...

Wouldn't be much of a fight. Just kidding.

Ron said...

bring it on down to matrix-town!
be sure to go to Russell's website:
operativefitness.com, so you know what you're messing with.

Bull said...

Oh, I visited that website. That workout is what we do to warm up.

AMRAP said...

actually the matrix is a big cheerleading, kid-friendly airplane hangar. Not much like D-1. What we do in our section is CrossFit, and aside from tires and a green floor, it's nothing like D-1 either.