
busy, busy...

It's been a busy few days getting back into the swing of things here in Huntsvegas after visiting Mickey Mouse.  We've been sick, tired, and grumpy (that one is Sam's doings...) but happy to be home.  Sam's been grumpy; it's hard going from getting whatever you want in the land of Disney to coming home to normal life where Mom and Dad won't let you eat in front of the TV or have ice-cream before your meal.  (Yes, we let him have dessert before dinner a few times in Florida.)  Vacation is all about having fun along with a few necessary guidelines.

I loved being in Florida and getting to blog everyday.  It's like therapy.  You get home and quickly realize your time is taken up by playtime with Sam, family time at night with Ronzo, washing clothes, cleaning house, cooking, and occasional resting.  So back to the wonderful world of being a housewife where things aren't as exciting as Disney but much more rewarding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. Even though we haven't been at Disney, the rules have been relaxed since sickness has invaded our house. Noah has had a couple of weeks of watching movies and drinking gatorade and now its back to the real world of school and water. :)