
Some of you know we're trying to sell our house.  It's been on the market 9 months and we are so anxious to get off this busy street and into a nice quiet neighborhood.  We trust completely in God's timing but also know of the power of prayer.  Will you join with us and pray that the Lord will bring a buyer for our home quickly.  We would appreciate your prayers alongside ours.  Thank you!!...and we'll keep you posted as soon as something happens.

On a lighter note, we went to Jason's Deli the other day and Sam enjoyed a yummy ice-cream cone.  It's great how ice cream works..."Sam, if you eat 5 bites of your sandwich you can have ice-cream".  Next thing you know he's eaten those 5 bites plus chips and fruit.  And tonight I promised him ice-cream if he'd let me clip his toenails.  (This is his least favorite thing.  He literally screams and pitches a fit while we do it because he thinks it hurts.)  Tonight went well; after a few tears we were making our way to the freezer to get some Rocky Road.

From 6am to 5pm yesterday Luke slept a total of 2 hours (give or take a few minutes).  Ron held him in the recliner and it was magic; he was off to sleep in no time.  After eating at 7pm he didn't wake up again until 1:15 this morning.  He had to catch up on all that lost sleep.


Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than a baby asleep on your chest! And yes, ice cream is magic!

Ashley Turnbull said...

We are praying! Praying boldly for some BUYERS! Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Hey Philley's, Surprise! I wondered upon your page here, Congrats to the new addition. Beautiful kids! Think of and talk about yall often...would love to be able to see yall again sometime. Hope all is going well for yall.


Penny said...

Hey Bruce-
Where are you living? What are you up to? Email us so we can catch up.